We love building relationships with hundreds of teens at 5 High Schools and 2 Middle Schools during lunchtimes. It’s a chance for us to share hope, encouragement and laughter. We want every kid to know that someone cares about them!

Search Institute, based in Minneapolis, MN has identified “40 Developmental Assets” that have been shown to buffer youth from risk. The more assets a child has, the higher probability that child will not be involved in behaviors such as teen pregnancy, school dropout, substance abuse, delinquency or violence. Our Campus Impact Ministry program addresses many of the 40 Assets including the importance of other adult relationships, showing youth they are valued, adult role models, benefits of being involved in a faith community and learning “positive values” like caring, social justice, integrity, honesty and responsibility.

We will strive to offer hope, encouragement and a listening ear to kids at other schools as we are able to add staff or volunteers.